Dear Friends,

I hope you had the opportunity to hear
Rev. Katie Giedd’s sermon this past Sunday in worship. If not, take the time to visit our Facebook Page or YouTube channel to watch (scroll down to click on the links). You will be blessed and challenged. Katie encouraged us to cast down our nets and fish for people. We are called to be disciples who share the Good News! 

I’m back in the pulpit this week to wrap up our series on “Fear Not.” In times of global crisis and uncertainty people begin to wonder, “is this the end of the world?” Well, if you come to worship or join us online this week I’ll tell you what I think. (Or more precisely, I’ll tell you what Jesus said about it). 

As always, be sure to take care of yourself and others. Stay home if you’re feeling sick, quarantine if you test positive for COVID, and talk to your doctor about ways you can protect yourself. 

And please do remember to pray for healthcare workers, the sick, and all the grieving families. We believe in a God who hears our prayers, and gives us the gifts and tools to be his instruments of healing in this world. 

See you Sunday: in person or online!

Grace and Peace,

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