Dear Friends,
First, let me say thank you for your generous support for our Stewpot Food Drive. As of this week, we’ve collected 381 items of food and you’ve given an additional $740.00. This will definitely help Stewpot reach their goal of feeding 800 families for Christmas! We’ve got some great volunteers delivering the food this week so it can get to those families in time! Thank you!
Thank you as well for your continued generosity toward the missions and ministries of our church. In spite of these challenging times you have continued to give! This has enabled us to meet our obligations and continue to support our commitments around the world. Also, due to the hard work of our staff and the fiscal wisdom of our Finance Committee we are very close to breaking even for the first time in 4 years. Help us to cross that finish line strong!
Finally, I hope that you plan to watch our Christmas Music Program, Sounds of the Season, this coming Sunday, online at 10:00 a.m. Our musicians and production crew have worked very hard to bring to us an uplifting program that will focus our hearts and minds on the true reason for the season. Fix a cup of coffee or hot cocoa and settle in for a beautiful time of worship. 
Grace and Peace,