Dear Friends,

I hope you have put March 6th on your calendar for our upcoming Ministry Fair. We will gather during the Sunday school hour (10:00 a.m) in the Family Life Building to share all the various ways we are in ministry together. We are inviting every ministry, mission, and group in our church to set up a table sharing a glimpse into your ministry. Also, because we all like to eat, we’re asking folks to bring a breakfast snack to share!

We also hope that you will sign up to serve or receive more information from these various groups. We haven’t been able to have this fair since before COVID, so I’m excited to be back together and show all the ways we are in ministry together.

Speaking of our ministry together, this past Sunday during our mission moment, we lifted up the work of the Emily Bearden Prayer Shawl Ministry. Like we did in January, we shared a new video that shares about the origin and impact of this significant ministry. If you weren’t able to be with us, click the link below to watch it today. I know you will be blessed by it.

Grace and Peace,

[email protected]

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