This past Sunday in worship, I shared a goal that I hope our church will work toward: 100 Baptisms or New Members by the end of 2021!

 This goal represents our call to share the Good News of Jesus, reach out to other’s with the Love of God, and welcome people into the fellowship of believers. While numbers aren’t always important, when those numbers represent people that Jesus loves, there’s nothing more important in the world. 

 In order to reach this goal, we need everyone to spread the word! Invite others to visit church with you if they’re comfortable, share the online worship video on your Facebook page, send a note of encouragement to friends who may have gotten out of the routine. 

 And, if you have never been baptized or officially joined our church, send me an email and let’s talk! I tell people that Methodists will baptize you at any age and use as much water as you want! So, start your year off the best way you can by making a commitment or recommitment to follow Jesus this year!

 Speaking of which, we are starting our Confirmation Classes on Sunday, February 7th during the Sunday School hour. This class is designed for 6th graders to prepare them to make their public profession of faith in Jesus Christ. If anyone is interested in participating or would like more information, contact me or Nikki Parsons, our Kids Ministry Director!

 Let’s work together, trusting in the Holy Spirit, to make this our Best Year Ever!

 Grace and Peace,


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