Dear Friends,

The summer is slipping by fast and soon we’ll be all complaining about how cold it is! Ha! But that also means that our fall programing will be resuming soon.

We will be starting our regular Wednesday night meal and programs on August 11th. Be sure to read Pastor Katie’s article below to learn more details about it. We’re excited about the fall and getting back together to fellowship and learn together.

We’ll soon be rolling out more of our fall plans including Promotion Sunday, Acolyte Training, 3rd grade Bible presentations, 50-year member recognition, Music Dedication Sunday, Ladies Night Out, Men’s Pulled-Pork Fundraiser, our 190th Church Anniversary and so much more!

This will be a great fall and I can’t wait! In the meantime, enjoy these last few weeks of summer. Stay cool, stay dry, and stay well!

Grace and Peace,


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