Dear Friends,

Well, something happened to me this week that is a first for me…I tested positive for Covid! I woke up Tuesday not feeling well and, sure enough, tested positive. So far my symptoms are just like a bad sinus infection and, fortunately, the rest of my family has tested negative.

But, I’m taking all the precautions and isolating for the rest of the week, which means I will be out this coming Sunday. I hate to miss this Sunday for two big reasons: 1) It’s Communion and 2) It’s Pentecost!

Pentecost is often called the “birthday of the church.” It commemorates that moment in the Book of Acts when the Holy Spirit descended on the early church, empowering them to take the Good News of Jesus to every corner of the world. I’m going to miss the party, but thankfully our own Katie Giedd will be stepping up to bring the word! Red is the color of Pentecost, so feel free to wear something red and festive!

Also, don’t forget, we’ll be collecting a special offering this Sunday for the Suzanne Elaine Shaw Memorial Scholarship. This scholarship supports students studying for healthcare or Christian ministry. Your donation this Sunday will help to empower students to fulfill their call to make a difference in this world!

So, while I won’t be there in person, I’ll be watching online and celebrating the gift of the Spirit right there with you!

Grace and Peace,

[email protected]

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