Dear Friends,

This past Sunday we began a new sermon series called, “How to Be Generous.”

Our first lesson was to Be Rich! Sounds easy? But seriously, what we learned from Paul’s writing in 1 Timothy 6:17-19, was that for those who find themselves blessed in this life (which is most of us) we are called to live lives of generosity. When we share, the work of God’s Kingdom is enabled to grow and reach others with the Good News of Jesus. For those of us with a roof over our heads, breath in our lungs, and plenty of food to eat, we are blessed to be a blessing to others.

The next step to living a generous life is to “Be Aware” of the needs around you. This coming Sunday we will welcome to our pulpit Albert Williams, Associate Director of the Wesley Foundation at the University of Southern Mississippi. Albert grew up in our congregation and will bring us a message about all the great work the USM Wesley Foundation does on your behalf. Your weekly generosity supports the work of Campus Ministry throughout the state through our Conference Missions Shares. This is a great way to “Be Aware” of how your giving helps to change the lives of young adults on our college campuses.

This will give you some more awareness of your impact as you prayerfully discern what your financial commitment for 2022 will be. We will begin collecting these commitment cards on October 24th. Thank you for your generosity and never doubt the legacy you can leave for generations to come.

Grace and Peace,

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