Dear Friends,

We’ve probably all heard that Christians should be financially generous. But have you ever stopped to think “how”? What are the steps you can take to develop generosity in your life and become a more generous person toward others. This coming Sunday we’ll begin a new sermon series called, “How to Be Generous.”

Now, I know that no one likes to hear a sermon series on money, least of all the one delivering the sermons! But honestly, money is a reality of our daily life as Christians. And it’s hard to preach about generosity without talking about money. So I’ll make you this promise: I won’t try to guilt you into giving. Rather, I want us all to see how the scriptures teach us that giving money is simply one of the fruit of a life of generosity. That along side giving, generosity brings us peace, purpose, and a legacy we can be proud of.

At the end of this series you’ll be invited to fill out a financial commitment card for 2021. My prayer is that this month of worship will inspire in all of us a desire to Be Generous in all areas of our life.

Grace and Peace,

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