Waiting is the hardest part life- even when we know what’s coming, and especially when we don’t. We’ve been doing a lot of waiting this year, and may have to wait a bit more, so what do we do? One thing is to look to scripture and draw strengths from the stories of God’s people who waited in hope, through prayer, and for the dawn of a new day.

August 9

“Waiting for the Morning”

Psalm 130

The Psalmist declares, “I wait for the Lord, my soul waits.” The psalmist goes on to describe this waiting like a watchman looking for the dawn. In the meantime, he commits himself to studying God’s word, showing us that the strength to wait is grounded in the promises of God.

August 16

“Waiting for a Sign”

Genesis 15:2-6,

When he was 75, Abraham is told by God that he will have a son. As the years (Decades) go by, he begins to doubt that God will come through on that promise. He begins to make other plans, assuming that God hasn’t forgotten, until one night God gives him a sign he’ll never forget.

August 23

“Waiting in our Grief”

John 11:1-44

When Lazarus gets sick, his sisters Mary and Martha leap into action. Faced with illness and death they do all they can, even calling out to Jesus for help. None of it work and Lazarus dies. As they wait in their grief, Jesus comes and weeps with them. But that is not where the story ends.

August 30

“Waiting for What’s Next”

Acts 1:6-14

At the Ascension of Jesus, he tells the disciples to go back to Jerusalem and wait for the Holy Spirit to give them power and direction. They return home and commit themselves to prayer. But as they tarry, someone gets antsy, and decides it’s time to act (and form a committee!)