Weekend Activities
At Clinton Methodist Church we want to help people move from where they are to where God wants them to be.
You have an incredible experience ahead of you and you can start that journey here.
21 Days of Prayer and Fasting
The goal of fasting is to draw near to God and to deepen our faith. We set aside seasons to fast and pray as a community of faith so we can empty ourselves of lesser things to be filled with more of God’s presence. Taking up the spiritual practice of fasting is a way to express humility and openness. Now is the time for us to seek God’s heart and vision for our lives and our church. We desire fellowship with the Holy Spirit and to be empowered to do the “greater things” Jesus spoke of in the Gospel of John.
Learn More Here
Two Services / One Church
Get Involved

Attend a gathering—in person or online.
Every Sunday at 9 AM and 11 AM.

Wednesday Night
Join us for a meal and activities.
Read More Here

Sermon Archive
You can always watch a previous sermon at this link. Click here.