Dear Friends,

We are all disappointed by the need to suspend in-person worship and activities for the time being. I remember vividly back in March when we all thought this would take a few weeks and then we’d back to “normal.” As the weeks have given way to months, I know we are all tired, frustrated, and at times angry about all that we have lost. 

Growing up, my mother taught me that whenever I was upset I should choose to do something productive. Rather than dwell on a problem I had no control over, find something to do to channel my frustration. I still do that today, whether it’s a bike ride, cleaning out a closet, or calling a friend for a long conversation to catch up. When I do something productive I actually begin to feel better (it’s one of the neat little things God designed within us all).

So, in the days when you feel frustrated, I want to give you some ideas of things to do that can make a big impact. 

Give to our Christmas Stewpot Food Drive. We are committed to helping Stewpot reach its goal of feeding 800 families in Hinds County this Christmas. The next time you’re at the grocery store, or picking out your Click-List items online, add some extra non-perishable items and drop them by the church. Our office is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. You can also send in a check to support this mission as well. Let’s make sure no one goes hungry this Christmas.

Worship  with us online each Sunday. We’ve got special services of worship and some fun surprises in store. Over the next few Sundays we’ll continue our sermon series and present our annual music program. On Christmas Day we have an extra-fun Christmas Special for the whole family to enjoy. And, the next time you’re watching, consider sharing it in on Facebook, so that others can see! It’s the easiest evangelism you’ll ever have to do! 

Pray for those who are sick, those who have experienced a death of a loved one, and those who are on the frontlines fighting this virus. Prayer is powerful, and we believe it is our greatest tool as Christians. We have members of our congregation who are currently suffering with COVID, and many more who have lost friends and family to this terrible virus. They need our prayer. We have members who have lost jobs, had their work-hours reduced, or forced into difficult financial decisions. They need our prayer. We have members who are nurses, doctors, teachers, and first-responders. They need our prayer. Saying a prayer today may be the most important thing you accomplish all week!

Now, more than ever, I believe we are coming to the end of this pandemic. With new vaccines and enhanced therapies we truly can see the finish line. But as any long-distance runner can tell you, it’s those last few miles that can often be the hardest. So don’t give up when we’re so close to the end. In the meantime, I encourage you to  Give, Worship, and Pray .  One more family fed, one more person who hears the Gospel, and one more life saved, all pleases the heart of God. 

Grace and Peace,