Dear Friends,
One of the challenges I’ve discovered in this time of pandemic is finding a routine. Things change on a weekly, and sometimes, daily basis. Previously our house had an expected rhythm: get up, eat, get dressed, go to work/school, eat dinner, bath, bedtime! (Repeat). Now we’re struggling to remember what time it is or what day it is. Without these rhythms and routines we sometimes feel like we’ve lost our anchor. If you’re feeling like that, this week might provide a familiar rhythm to reorient yourself.
This week is Holy Week, and it will be unlike any other we’ve celebrated before. Although we are unable to gather in person, we will provide video versions of our special services. We began with Palm Sunday (which you can watch now if you missed it yesterday). On Tuesday at Noon we will finish with our last word from the cross of Christ: It is Finished. On Thursday at 6 p.m., we will remember the Last Supper. On Friday at Noon, we will offer a Tenebrae Service of Darkness as we hear the passion story read once again. I take comfort in remembering that Christians have celebrated this exact same rhythm for nearly two-thousand years in the midst of famines, pandemics, and wars!  
Finally, we will celebrate with a special Easter Service at 10:00am. In spite of all the bad news we are enduring, the GOOD NEWS is that Jesus has conquered death and opened the way to life eternal. And no matter what, that is worth celebrating!
Grace and Peace,