​Dear Friends,

​ We have finalized the 2021 financial documents, sent out the end-of-year contribution statements, and now have a clear sense of how our church fared financially during the past year. Our total giving last year was $980,771. Combined with other income from rent, investments, and grants totaling $249,629 this gave our church a total income of $1,230,240 for the year. Our total expenses last year were $1,258,171. That results in a total deficit for the year of $27,772.

For those of you wondering how we spent more than we took in, the simple answer is that years of sound financial stewardship have provided us with a sufficient rainy day reserve. And, if you haven’t noticed, it’s been raining a lot these past two years! But, because of your generosity we have been able to weather these financial storms. All our bills are paid, our mission obligations are met, and we carry no debt as a church.

I’m also excited about the wonderful response to our pledge campaign. For the coming year we received 162 pledge cards and renewed automatic drafts totaling $786,166. That’s 35 more individual commitments than last year, and a 21.7% increase in pledged commitments.

Additionally, your Finance Committee and church leadership takes seriously the need to be sound stewards of these financial gifts. After considering the ongoing financial trends, the church approved a 2022 total budget of $1,306,430, which is a 5.7% decrease from the previous year’s budget. With the decrease in the budget, and the increase in the pledge commitments, it is our plan to end the year “in the black.”

As we continue to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, I’m proud of the resiliency of our community of faith. You have remained steadfast in your generosity, and continued to place your hope in Jesus, the one who defeated even death itself!

​Grace and Peace,

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