Dear Friends,

As part of our 2022 emphasis on Seeking Jesus and Serving Others, we are beginning a new concept called Mission of the Month. Each month we will lift up and highlight one of the ways our church is in mission in the community, country, and around the world. 

If you were in worship this past Sunday, you saw our first video in this new series. Our own Mike Norcom updated us on the great work done by Pastor Simon Ernyi in Nigeria. Navigate over to our Facebook page to see the video on how Pastor Simon is bringing faith, hope, and clean water to the people of Nigeria. 

Pastor Simon is one of our missionaries that we support in our annual church budget. Your weekly giving supports his ministry and empowers him to do Kingdom work in Nigeria on your behalf. In addition to financial support, your prayers for safety and for a more secure supply of food to Pastor Simon’s community are much needed. 

As we continue to move into 2022, this is one way that we can refocus and commit ourselves to Seek Jesus and Serve Others. 

Grace and Peace,

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