During the month of November our minds naturally turn to thoughts of Thanksgiving. Not just the holiday, but thinking about all the reasons we have to be grateful. One of the things I’m most grateful for is our church’s heart for mission. You are always ready to give and serve when the need arises. 

One of those opportunities that we want to lift up during the month of November is our partnership with Shower Power, a local ministry focused on supporting the homeless community within Hinds county. Our United Methodist Women are sponsoring a supply drive and they would love to have the whole church to help. There are donation boxes around the church and we needs things like socks, underwear, hats, gloves and toiletries for men and women. This is a great way to make a local impact!

But we also are a church that makes a difference around the world through our mission partnerships. One of those partners, our own Alli Mellon, will be speaking in worship this coming Sunday to update us on the important work of her ministry, the Hard Places Community. This mission strives to combat and end the scourge of human trafficking. This is tough stuff, but a necessary mission for people of faith. For more than a decade, Alli and her staff have been on the front lines in some of the darkest situations, bringing freedom and the light of Christ. We’re glad to have her back home for a while and to hear how we can continue to support her work.

Finally, we support Alli and several other missionaries through our yearly operating budget, so it’s so important to not only continue your financial generosity this year, but to make sure you turn in a pledge card for our 2022 budget. This will enable us to know how much we will be able to support people like Alli and many others as they share the Good News of Jesus around the world on our behalf. There’s still time so make sure to click the link right now and make your pledge today!

See you Sunday!

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