Dear Friends,
I hope that you’ve heard the news that this coming Sunday, September 20, we’re taking the next steps in our reopening plan. 
We’ll be adding an 11:00 a.m. worship service in the Worship Center. Additionally, we’re expanding capacity in our 9:00 a.m. service to 200 people in attendance in the Sanctuary. We will still have a reservation system for both services, so click the links below to sign up or call the church office.
We will still have the online service option as well, so however you choose to worship this coming Sunday we’re grateful to be the Body of Christ together. 
Also, mark in your calendar October 4th, because in just a few short weeks we will gather on that Sunday morning to confirm our 2020 Confirmands! This has been delayed since April because these students wanted to wait and be confirmed in person when the time was right. So, we’re excited to celebrate these young people as they make their professions of faith in Jesus and officially become church members.
That’s also going to be a big day as our youth resume in person United Night Sunday worship. We’ll also be live broadcasting United Night, so if you’re not ready to return, you can still participate. 
We’ll continue to follow all the best guidance around social distancing, hand sanitizing, masks, etc., so be sure to check THE VOICE each week to see any changes and 
I hope you have a great week, pray for our friends along the Gulf Coast, and see some of you Sunday!
Grace and Peace,

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