Dear Friends,

I have immensely enjoyed this past month’s sermon series on Perfect Love, as we reflected each week on how God’s love comes to us in Grace. This love reaches out to us before we know him, comes to forgive us, and then works within us for a lifetime.

We’re closing out this month of reflecting on God’s Love and Grace by dedicating a whole morning of praise and worship. This coming Sunday, both our 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. services will be full of singing. Several of our musical groups will perform and we’ll be adding more congregational singing.

Rather than a sermon, we’ll gather around the Lord’s Table for Holy Communion, the central symbol of how deep God’s love for us truly is: that while we were yet sinner’s Christ died for us. And, since it’s a day of praise, we will sing the Communion liturgy in both services.

Even if singing, “isn’t your thing,” this will be a beautiful day of worship and an expression of our love and gratitude for God in return for his Perfect Love for all of us.

Hope to see you Sunday!

Grace and Peace,


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